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The Possibilities of Outdoor Digital Signage

outdoor digital signage

Long gone are the days when digital technology was restricted to inside.

Outdoor digital signage is the next step in modernising your institution, site or event.

Many of our clients come to us looking to kit out their whole premises with state of the art digital signage. If it’s a school, they might want a screen up in their reception area, one in the library, another in the cafeteria and so on. But few initially think about their outdoor space.

Digital displays have come a long way in the past few years, with innovations dropping the price of new screens.

Industry-grade, weather-resistant IP-65 signage displays are now accessible to even smaller colleges. Developments in anti-glare technology have long resolved any issues with outdoor lighting. Displays are more hard-wearing than ever too. (Think signage screens at busy bus stops being resistant to drunken assaulters in the night.) We like to describe our outdoor digital signage as ‘student proof’. Our encased outdoor screens get their message across effectively while being protected from vandalism or ‘accidents’.

Outdoor digital signage is the perfect aid for way-finding.

Everyone already relies on technology to find their way around. Someone might find your school by using Google Maps on their phone. But what about when it comes to finding a particular building on your campus? Outdoor digital signage solves this problem. Touchscreen displays are more effective than a conventional static map as you can search for your desired location and zoom in on your route.

Outdoor displays engage those who would otherwise walk on past

When you’re running a school or hosting a busy event, it can be difficult to spread the word. A colourful, changing display is guaranteed to grab attention. Digital signage is ideal for use on Open Days as you can play videos interviewing students and staff, alongside a timetable of the day’s events and admission information. Investing in affordable screens will consolidate your college’s reputation as modern and cutting-edge.

Try our signage solution for free!

Employ Digital Signage At Your Event

For information on how, check out our events blog post.
Why not get in touch to find out more?
Call – 02380 981110 or Email Us –

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