Dental marketing is an exploding industry. Those that ignore it, will be left behind.
We’re entering an age where every business needs to become its own media agency. Dental practices are no exception to this trend.
There are three reasons why investing in digital signage is a smart move for dentists.
1. Brand Reinforcement
Like any other market, dental practices compete with one another. For this reason, they need a brand identity. A reputation that brings practice-users back for that next appointment. It’s easy to brand a website with a logo, colours and a distinct style. It’s not as easy to brand a practice itself.
The introduction of digital signage in practice, however, facilitates this goal. Branded screens around a waiting room help consolidate a dental practice’s image. They provide the opportunity to display patient testimonials and interviews with principal members of staff. Content like this reinforces a practice’s identity, making the team feel familiar and the service feel personal. The act alone of installing signage screens has a positive effect on a dentist’s reputation. In a sector that is perhaps somewhat old-fashioned, those that do embrace innovation will stand out as first-class.
2. Direct Advertising
Dental marketing, like any other form of advertising, trades in attention. We have all seen toothpaste adverts on TV. They’re hard to tell apart and therefore not very effective. Dental marketers should ask themselves a question: When would be the best time to advertise dental products? It’s not halftime during the football on TV, and it’s not over the radio during the morning commute. It’s when an audience’s attention is directed to their dental hygiene – in other words, it’s when they’re brushing their teeth or, a bit more accessible, when they’re sitting in the dentist waiting room.
Digital signage is the ultimate vehicle to engage waiting patients. Practices have two advertising options. They can either display external content from suppliers, for example, pushing a particular model of electric toothbrushes. Or they can promote their own services such as teeth whitening. The former creates them a revenue stream from sponsorship, the latter boosts their own sales. Both achieve a tangible return on investment.
3. Dental Education
Finally, digital signage for dentists brings value through relaying educational content. The 10 minutes a patient might spend waiting for their appointment can be utilised to convey supplementary hygiene advice. Short videos or engaging infographics on a digital screen can be used to promote the benefits of flossing or avoiding certain foods. Educational messaging in these forms can get the same points across in a way that doesn’t feel like a lecture to patients.
Dental marketing is only getting more competitive. The sooner practices embrace the transition to digital, the more effectively they will be able to compete.
Discover Our Digital Signage Solutions For Dentists
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